Hi everyone,
Please come check out my new blog at http://www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com. Also, check out the new site at Cocoa photo.
You can also subscribe to my new eblast called "The Latest from Danielle" on my blog Nashvilleweddingphotographer.com.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Danielle Adams
Cocoa photo
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
NEW BLOG AT http://www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com/
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Labels: blast, cocoa photo, cocoaphoto.com, eblast, email, Nashville wedding photographer, nashville wedding photographer.com, Nashville wedding photography, new blog, The Latest from Danielle
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Nephi Niven photograpy exhibit
I met a really nice fellow photographer today when my husband and I dropped by to view his gallery exhibition in Murfreesboro, TN. Nephi has spent time traveling and shooting around Normandy and Paris, France as well as Turkey. He shoots interesting lines/textures in B&W as well as shooting "from the hip" for people shots. (Shooting "from the hip" is a technique photographers use to prevent people from realizing they are about to be photographed. It helps photographers to document what is happening in the world around them with honesty.)
I found Nephi's work to be very interesting and moody. It seemed the mood was affected by the noticeable different quality of light in the area he is shooting. I liked his composition and the mystery element in many of his photos.
Here's a link to his site if you'd like to check Nephi's photography out:
Nephi sold prints today at his exhibition and I'm guessing you can purchase them online as well. Thanks Nephi for the exhibition; I wish you well in your photography career.
PS - if you haven't looked at our new website yet, check it out at www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com.
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Labels: B/W, black and white, cocoa photo, Danielle Adams, exhibit, France, Nashville wedding photographer, Nephi Niven, photography, Turkey
Friday, February 1, 2008
New website is up and running
Hi everyone,
I am very excited - we have a new website and a new name! Please check out www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com/ and see our new online home. Our new name is Cocoa photo.
All of our premium couverture info. is online as well as info. about me and many images for you to browse through.
Soon, I will have a new blog and you'll be seeing video content on the website as well. Please stop in to see all of the wonderful changes and additions. Also, check under "couvertures" for our new referral incentive program.
Danielle Adams
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Labels: Adams, cocoa photo, Danielle, logo, Nashville wedding photographer, website, www.cocoaphoto.com, www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Change4Children at the Ole' Farmhouse Diner
My friend Kevin Easley. the owner of the Ole Farmhouse Diner in Millersville, TN did a wonderful thing this year for the children of Millersville, TN. He put together a Christmas party for deserving children who needed a little extra help for Christmas this year. It was wonderful - Kevin fed all the parents, kiddos and volunteers ham, sides, fruit, cookies and then treated them to a wonderful time with a local church volunteer puppet show (black light effects included).
To top it off, Santa arrived at the Old Farmhouse with sirens wailing as he was dropped of in style in a Millersville police car. The kids were so excited - you can see it in the slideshow photos if you watch the photos of the kids when Santa arrived. Kevin passed out gifts to all the children - many of them were so thrilled to sit in Santa's lap and then receive their gift. Some of the older ones humored me and let me shoot a few with Santa despite their embarrasment. Even I got a shot with Santa - he looked like the genuine article to me.
At the end of the evening, there was a special drawing for his and hers bicycles. I was so glad to see the generousity poured out on these children and I hope they all have a very wonderful and Christmas this year knowing that somebody cares and that Santa is always looking out for them.
Thanks Kevin for putting on such an awesome event. I hope everyone who reads this will come and visit the Ole Farmhouse restaurant which is off the Louisville Hwy. exit just north of Long Hollow Pike on I-65. Take a right onto Louisville Hwy. and then drive just 2.2 miles - the Ole' Farmhouse Diner is on your left - roosters on the wall, country cookin' goodness and all. Tell them Danielle sent you and make sure and tell Kevin "Hi" for me.
Ole' Farmhouse Diner
1260 Louisville Hwy.
Millersville, Tennessee 37072
(615) 851-3009
(By the way, in 2000 Kevin was kind enough to cater my wedding and did an incredible job as we had more guests show up than were invited. Of course, Kevin kept everything running smoothly and yummily despite the major change in numbers. Thanks again for that Kevin!)
View the slideshow at this link:
Change4Children Slideshow
By the way - for all parents viewing - I will upload your photos shortly online for you to order at cost as my Christmas present to your family. Please wait for the link as that is the next step in my editing process.
Merry Christmas and may you experience the real joy of the season in Jesus.
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Labels: 2007, Change4Children, children, Christmas, event, family, Kevin Easley, Millersville, Ole' Farmhouse Diner, photographer, Restaurant, TN
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Hahaha or should I say Hohoho?
This is a link to a fun and crazy little elf dance our family did! You might want to check it out at ElfYourself
I hope you and your family (or soon-to-be family) have a warm and wonderful Christmas.
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Labels: Adams family, Christmas, elf dance, ElfYourself
The colorful and baby-full Kreszwick family
The colorful and baby-full Kreszwick family
I got to shoot a great family session the day after Thanksgiving with Mickie Kreszwick; some of you may know or remember her from our fall TrashBash session as a talented stylist for our wonderful models.
I drove the beautiful, hilly, winding roads out to Thompson's Station for a big family session. Each family had their own color-coordination scheme which made it neat in the big photo, since a person could clearly see which family goes together.
There were so many sweet babies and toddlers there and it was fun being surrounded by so many kids. If you don't know, I have a cute little toddler of my own named Caleb, so I just adore kids. At the end, I got a few shots of them playing together and just having a good time.
Thanks Mickie for being so sweet and welcoming. I enjoyed working with your family though I know the day was hectic for everyone with all the little ones. I am posting the slideshow and uploading everything ASAP since Christmas is coming up fast. Feel free to forward this slideshow to your family members and friends who might enjoy it and just have those who are interested sign up on the Pictage website to preregister so they'll know when the event is released as well.
Here is the slideshow link for you
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Labels: babies, baby, Christmas, family, Kreswick, lifestyle, Mickie, photographer, photography, session, Thompson's station, toddler, toddlers, TrashBash
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Babies and Toddlers
So, I've decided the whole idea of "posing" babies and toddlers is slightly unrealistic for most kids. I enjoy "catching" them in their cute and natural expressions. The Montini family brother and sister certainly kept me on my toes, though the little baby girl was soooo sweet. She has this growly cry whenever her brother leaves the room; I found out she really likes to have her older brother around.
The older brother loves sports, including baseball...there were baseballs, gloves and other sports gear here and there in the house. Of course, we shot a few baseball shots in the cold outside. The shoot worked even with wiggly and energetic kiddos. (What do you know - they are just like my little boy!)
See the slideshow at www.adefiningimage.com/MontiniChristmas2007/
Danielle Adams
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Labels: 2007, baby, family, lifestyle, Montini, photography, session, sports, toddler
All over town with Bryan and Rachel
So it was really great shooting an engagement session in Murfreesboro for Bryan and Rachel who are getting married next year. We started with lunch at Demo's, (where they got engaged!), and ended up at the city park downtown shooting at night in more formal dress. You'll see from the slideshow that we had fun along the way too.
Congrats to Bryan and Rachel - I hope this Christmas is fun for you both as you get prepared for a wonderful soon-to-be marriage. Thanks for being so sweet and friendly to work with too.
Your slideshow is at
Feel free to forward the link to whomever you like.
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Labels: 2008, Bryan and Rachel, Cook, Demo's, engagement, King, Murfreesboro, photographer, session, wedding
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Alex and Mommy at Walden pumpkin farm
Alex turned two just recently and his Mommy wanted to have a special photo session for him. So we hopped out to Walden Pumpkin farm in Smyrna, TN for a great location shoot. Even though the farm was packed out with kids petting animals, eating fall treats and picking out the perfect pumpkin, we had lots of great spots to shoot.
Alex was adorable; I just love the way he snuggled up with his Mommy. He also just loved riding the tractors around the hay bales the people at Walden had set up. What a great spot for younger kids. I put a little slide show together of some of my favorites from the session at www.adefiningimage.com/CristineandAlex/.
The other images will post soon at www.pictage.com/394480. You will need to get the event key directly from Cristine in order to see the images.
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Labels: 2 year old, Alex, Cristine, photo, photojournalism, toddler, Walden Pumpkin farm
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Trash the Dress AKA "Trash Bash" slideshow is up!
I just organized a big Trash the Dress shoot with 10 photographers, bride models, hair stylists and make-up artists for downtown Nashville. We had a really great time meeting and going out to eat with all of our volunteers. (Did I mention they were volunteers?) We had a big turnout and it was really fun - I'm sure the water felt great to those who were brave enough to get in!
Thanks to everyone who particpated - I think we'll do it again soon. A special thanks to Harry the park ranger at Bicentennial who let the models "take over" his office while getting ready as well as the Hooters girls for coming outside for a fun shot.
Here's the slideshow link:
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Labels: bride, model, Nashville, TN, Trash Bash, Trash the Dress, water
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Trash the Dress session AKA Trash Bash coming up!
I'm very excited about a Trash the Dress group session coming up next week that I'm coordinating for my local Pictage User Group. (See www trashthedress.com for more info.) We are getting bridal couples together for a fun and artistic session that will include running through the fountains at Bicentennial mall for some and shots at the footbridge at 1st Ave. for others. It's going to be awesome shooting and if any last-minute couples with a dress want to call me today or tomorrow to be included, please do.
There will be a story about the Trash Bash in the winter edition of Enchanted Brides magazine with a credit for each photographer involved. (Thanks to Gipsy Williams for this!) We're also looking for hair stylists who want photos to use for promotional purposes.
Look here for cool/artsy photos coming soon...
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Labels: Trash Bash, Trash the Dress, www.trashthedress.com
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Me in Chicago
Hi everybody,
I had a great time last week in Chicago while meeting some other photographers and polishing my business skills. It was my first time away from my sweet toddler Caleb, but as soon as I got involved meeting people and learning new info. I was OK. It was fun being roomies with my new photographer friends Wendie and Camille as well as meeting other folks from the Pictage community. If you want to know what I saw in Chicago, I have put together a little slideshow for you. (Yes - I am in one of the jumping shots! See if you can find me.) Enjoy.
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Labels: Camille, Chicago, PartnerCon, Pictage, Wendie
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Jamie and Angie's wedding - What a party!
I just am looking over the photos from Jamie and Angie's wedding last Sat. What a party they had! We had so much fun shooting even though by the reception I think Angie was ready to lose the veil and just enjoy herself with the crowd.
You know - I had heard at least 3 people say at the wedding something like it was, "about time", Jamie and Angie got married. I think the guests were just happy and relieved they finally got together. From what I hear, this marriage was years in the making. That's always a good way to start; my main squeeze Jason and I can relate. We dated 7 years before we married, so we're very comfortable with and used to each other.
Joy and Todd Griffin were a part of the big day (see baby Noah's photos) as well as my great friends Lori and Dan Zimmerle. It was so great working with Jamie and Angie; I think you'll love the variety of images we shot. I had major trouble just picking out what I wanted to use for the slideshow. That's always a good sign. Yes - there were fireworks after they walked out the door courtesy of their venue, Cedarvine Manor. I kind of did a little number on the fireworks and made a composite shot just for fun. Enjoy their slideshow and congrats to Jamie and Angie.
To view Jamie and Angie's slideshow:
By the way - there's a new cool feature on the slideshow at the bottom. You can purchase the slideshow if you'd like on DVD. Just hit the DVD button. There's also the ability to go directly to their photos online once the link is up and they've given you their event key. Thanks.
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Labels: Cedarvine Manor, fireworks, Jamie and Angie, Joy and Todd, Lori and Dan
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Moving boxes, little David Michael and Scooter, the cat
Wow - what a fun session I had with Mommy Heather and her little 6 week old David Michael. It was wild since the day of the session was also moving day for the Armstrong family. There were ladies packing boxes of belongings up while we shot this session. Little David Michael was so sweet and cute; I know Heather and Bryan are bursting-button proud of him.
While I was shooting, their cat Scooter posed, so I had to take the shot. Yes everyone, I will take photos of your pets, but only if they're nice and you have treats!
Bryan, Heather and David Michael have now moved to Kansas City, MO. Don't get blown away there guys! We don't want any Wizard of Oz scenes in your yard OK? We will miss you all and hope you find a great new place to land very soon. Take care Bryan, Heather and little David.
Here's David's slideshow link:
Oh - great new feature - you can now order slideshow DVDs if you want them at the bottom of the slideshow window. Your initial DVD order will cost $99; duplicates are less. MP3 orders are also available if that's a better option. Enjoy.
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Labels: Armstrong, David Michael, Heather, moving, Scooter
Monday, April 9, 2007
Miracle Baby Elliot
Here are some of my favorite photos from a studio shoot of 6 month old baby Elliot. What a happy, content little baby boy and what a miracle his life is.
I'll see if his Mom would be willing to share more, but Elliot was born with a birth defect in which some parts that should have been inside his abdomen were not. Doctors at Vanderbilt slowly corrected the problem over a period of months and now Elliot is perfectly wonderful! If he had been born 15 years ago, it is very likely he would not have survived. What a sweet-natured little guy.
It seems proud parents Mick and Amber had so much fun with his shoot, so did I. We blew bubbles and took all sorts of photos of Elliot. We're going to put together a "baby parts" photo announcement as well. Thanks Mick and Amber for sharing your little guy with me. He is adorable!
Here's the link to baby Elliot's slideshow:
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Labels: 6 month, baby Elliot, miracle, Vanderbilt
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Dining with Lesley
I went out with Lesley Cannon to give her proof books and to have dinner. Her husband Justin was in the Philippines on a mission trip with their church so we talked an extra long time. Lesley went the year before on the trip with Justin which I think was really great. They grew closer while serving. He was there working with children; what a sacrifice to let him go being so newly married.
OK you two - I want to see photos from the trip sometime soon.
We had a waiter at the restaurant take this photo of us in front of the fireplace - this is an example of why you want to hire a professional for your photo shoot! Anyway, thanks Lesley for being such a sweet bride; it's great working with you.
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Labels: Cannon, dinner, fireplace, Lesley, Philippines