Saturday, February 2, 2008

Nephi Niven photograpy exhibit

I met a really nice fellow photographer today when my husband and I dropped by to view his gallery exhibition in Murfreesboro, TN. Nephi has spent time traveling and shooting around Normandy and Paris, France as well as Turkey. He shoots interesting lines/textures in B&W as well as shooting "from the hip" for people shots. (Shooting "from the hip" is a technique photographers use to prevent people from realizing they are about to be photographed. It helps photographers to document what is happening in the world around them with honesty.)

I found Nephi's work to be very interesting and moody. It seemed the mood was affected by the noticeable different quality of light in the area he is shooting. I liked his composition and the mystery element in many of his photos.

Here's a link to his site if you'd like to check Nephi's photography out:

Nephi sold prints today at his exhibition and I'm guessing you can purchase them online as well. Thanks Nephi for the exhibition; I wish you well in your photography career.



PS - if you haven't looked at our new website yet, check it out at

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