Hi everyone,
Please come check out my new blog at http://www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com. Also, check out the new site at Cocoa photo.
You can also subscribe to my new eblast called "The Latest from Danielle" on my blog Nashvilleweddingphotographer.com.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Danielle Adams
Cocoa photo
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
NEW BLOG AT http://www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com/
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Labels: blast, cocoa photo, cocoaphoto.com, eblast, email, Nashville wedding photographer, nashville wedding photographer.com, Nashville wedding photography, new blog, The Latest from Danielle
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Nephi Niven photograpy exhibit
I met a really nice fellow photographer today when my husband and I dropped by to view his gallery exhibition in Murfreesboro, TN. Nephi has spent time traveling and shooting around Normandy and Paris, France as well as Turkey. He shoots interesting lines/textures in B&W as well as shooting "from the hip" for people shots. (Shooting "from the hip" is a technique photographers use to prevent people from realizing they are about to be photographed. It helps photographers to document what is happening in the world around them with honesty.)
I found Nephi's work to be very interesting and moody. It seemed the mood was affected by the noticeable different quality of light in the area he is shooting. I liked his composition and the mystery element in many of his photos.
Here's a link to his site if you'd like to check Nephi's photography out:
Nephi sold prints today at his exhibition and I'm guessing you can purchase them online as well. Thanks Nephi for the exhibition; I wish you well in your photography career.
PS - if you haven't looked at our new website yet, check it out at www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com.
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Labels: B/W, black and white, cocoa photo, Danielle Adams, exhibit, France, Nashville wedding photographer, Nephi Niven, photography, Turkey
Friday, February 1, 2008
New website is up and running
Hi everyone,
I am very excited - we have a new website and a new name! Please check out www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com/ and see our new online home. Our new name is Cocoa photo.
All of our premium couverture info. is online as well as info. about me and many images for you to browse through.
Soon, I will have a new blog and you'll be seeing video content on the website as well. Please stop in to see all of the wonderful changes and additions. Also, check under "couvertures" for our new referral incentive program.
Danielle Adams
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Labels: Adams, cocoa photo, Danielle, logo, Nashville wedding photographer, website, www.cocoaphoto.com, www.nashvilleweddingphotographer.com