Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Justin and Lesley, Nov. 18th, 2006 - A Golden Day

This day was golden; from the bride's dress to the beautiful leaves turning outside in the crisp, clean autumn air. What a beautiful day for a wedding. The little church where Lesley and Justin married is just the church I always drove by on Hwy. 840 and wondered what it would be like inside. Lesley was beautiful in a light golden gown and her glow was matching her gorgeous dress. Her Mom Carol should be a wedding coordinator; she had every detail in place and ready to go! This wedding was extra special for me, because I was fortunate to know some of the people involved. Everyone was so sweet. Extra thanks to Wayne who hung Lesley's dress high on a tall window sill just for photo effect of course. Lesley and Justin; congratulations to you both. May your marriage be wonderful and romantic every day that you are together. P.S. Leslie, I did the True Love Waits commitment too!

To see Lesley and Justin's slideshow click on the grey link below:

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